Friday, June 15, 2012

Slow down....I want to get off

Lately it seems like I am stuck on a merry-go-round out of control.  Every day after work, there's some place I have to be.  The last few weekends have been last minute harried trips out of town.  My sewing machine and I have not had any quality time together in what seems like ages.  Please just slow down so I can get off.  Aaaahhhhh!

I am hoping against hope that this weekend will be all sewing, but we'll see how that goes.  Most times, I get ready to sew or cut or quilt or something sewing related and then I start to get the guilt feelings about the carpet that needs shampooing or the kitchen that needs cleaning or whatever.   I am going to do my best to keep out the "guilties" this weekend and just do what I want to do.

We'll see how that goes.....

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