Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Back to the old grind

Having so many days off sure does put a kink in things.  I totally lost track of what day it was and fell into the rhythm of sleeping late and staying up late, etc.  Last night I was in bed by 11:30pm but still awake at 12:15am. 

This morning was truly a rude awakening when the alarm went off at 5:20am.  Then, after getting up and getting ready for work, I opened the door to be hit in the face by an arctic blast.  Did the temperature drop like 20 degrees over night?  You'd think it was supposed to be Winter or something.  Don't you know this is Louisiana!

After work, I was off to the gym for my first workout of 2012 with my trainer.  As expected, I had not even set foot in the gym since the last time I saw her a week and a half ago.  Told you about how those days off put a kink in things.  Well, my muscles had so many kinks, you should have heard me creaking and groaning. You weren't there were you?  Could you hear me from across the room?  I sure hope not.  How embarrassing!

The gym sure was more crowded than usual today.  Hah! Like I would know!  No, really. I was in the gym at least once or twice a week for all of December and it was like a ghost town in there.  I guess everybody is starting off the year trying to exert their New Year's resolutions.

Well, the man in my life left this morning to be gone until Saturday.  Hallelujah!  I cleaned house yesterday and probably won't have to again until about 5 minutes after he returns.  He is such a litter bug and totally disorganized.  It's nice to have a vacation from that every now and then.

Every time I sit down, I find that I acquire 2 or 3 lap dogs.  It's hard to get motivated to even get up when you have to pry yourself out from under 20 or 30 pounds of dogs.  If I can get up (or maybe never sit down) and get myself a little organized, then I should be able to get a few projects ready for my upcoming retreat.  And of course, there are UFOs to work on and a never ending list of WIPs (Works in Progress) and WIMs (Works in Mind). That's assuming, of course, I have any "get up and go" left after getting up at 5:30 and going to work and the gym.  And all those challenges and all those blogs to read.....  It's a never ending list..... 

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