I've been going through my UFOs (unfinished fabric objects) to see what needs to be done. I've been making lists for what needs batting and what size, for what needs a back and what size, etc.

Well, I was able to check a few things off. I found fabric for the backs for two quilts. I trimmed the backing fabric for one quilt down to size. I cut batting for four quilts, pinned a label on them indicating what quilt they are for and stacked them with their tops.
I loaded the newly trimmed back onto the quilt frame, added the batting and then pinned the top into place. I wound the two bobbins I'll need to quilt it and then guess what happened. I reached the end of the spool of thread. I really wanted to use that thread, so now I'm all loaded up and unable to quilt.
What a way to kill a good streak of motivation!
Now, I guess I'll have to wait for thread reinforcements to arrive. Sure hope they don't get stuck in traffic.
I guess I'll have to piece a back or something else, assuming I can work up some more motivation.
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