Well, somehow I ended up scheduled for back to back retreats. I was even in charge, so you'd think that wouldn't happen. But anyway..... it turned out to be a good thing. I really enjoyed myself. We had 9 of us for the first 3 days and a different 8 of us for the second 3 days. One person besides me was there for both retreats.
We had lots of fun, ate some wonderful food, laughed a lot and got some quilting done in spite of ourselves.
Mine |
On the first retreat, I got the binding attached to 2 quilts. I hand sewed down the binding for one of them and for one that belonged to somebody else.
Sarah's |
I also sewed two baby quilts using one of the Big Block Baby Quilt patterns from Quiltmaker. They were cute and fast.
Next I started on the Falling Leaves - it still needs borders,etc.
Then there was the eventual goodbye hugs and the clean up.
Karen and I spent a quiet night alone at the retreat house and had some leftovers for dinner. We weren't very hungry. We did some rearranging of the tables for optimum usage with 8 people rather than 9.
The next morning, a whole new crew arrived and we were ready to start again.
My next project was Stars and Stripes. The basic idea came from the Quilts of Valor brochure, but I changed all those curves (sign of the cross) to some easy half square triangles. I think it came out neat. It still needs borders, etc.
I also bound another of the two quilts that I attached binding to. It's nice to have some hand work so you can lounge in the recliner and not feel guilty. And it is relaxing as well.
I also made a quick case for Mom for her Nook for when she wants to stick it in her purse and not get it all scratched up.
By the time Wednesday came around, I just couldn't get motivated. I helped Karen work out the logistics on one of her quilts and I was cheering Margaret on to finish her baby quilt with directional fabric. I finally asked Karen for a quilt that I could bind so I would feel like I was doing something. I got 3/4 of it done, so I know she was happy.
It was a really good six days. I would do it again. But for now, I'm happy to be home.
Yep, that's me.
I've known about these back to back retreats for weeks now and I am still running around like a chicken with my head cut off. I made a good show of getting started with my cutting a couple of weeks ago, but then I ran out of steam. Now, I'm panicking!
I just finished cutting one more big block baby quilt out of some really bright fabulous colors!
Last night I was busily quilting up a quilt for a friend who will be at the retreat. Today I am working on the back for one of my quilts which I hope to get quilted this evening. How is this for retreat, you ask? Well, I always need an excuse to sit in the recliner and binding is a great excuse. It's called resting and being productive all at once. Woohoo!
Assuming I get that quilting done, the only thing left will be to break down my sewing machine, pack all of my notions and amenities and projects, gather up some clothes and toiletries, and then of course, get them all into the car. I'm out of breath just thinking about it.......
Yesterday I was just being too picky. I have other thread and I have to use it up eventually, so why not now? Even if I have gotten all gung ho on this new stuff, I still spent money on the old stuff and need to use it up. Anyway...... I buckled down and quilted that sucker and got it off the frame. It'll go in my bag for retreat so I'll have a good excuse for sitting in the recliner while I'm putting on binding. No sense feeling guilty or anything. With any luck, I'll get another one quilted before we leave for retreat and I'll have two to do.
OR at least trying. I think maybe I forgot where I put it.
I've been going through my UFOs (unfinished fabric objects) to see what needs to be done. I've been making lists for what needs batting and what size, for what needs a back and what size, etc.
Don't you love lists? I love to check things off. Sometimes I have even been known to add something that I forgot onto the list just so I can check it off.
Well, I was able to check a few things off. I found fabric for the backs for two quilts. I trimmed the backing fabric for one quilt down to size. I cut batting for four quilts, pinned a label on them indicating what quilt they are for and stacked them with their tops.
I loaded the newly trimmed back onto the quilt frame, added the batting and then pinned the top into place. I wound the two bobbins I'll need to quilt it and then guess what happened. I reached the end of the spool of thread. I really wanted to use that thread, so now I'm all loaded up and unable to quilt.
What a way to kill a good streak of motivation!
Now, I guess I'll have to wait for thread reinforcements to arrive. Sure hope they don't get stuck in traffic.
I guess I'll have to piece a back or something else, assuming I can work up some more motivation.