Got up this morning ready to tackle that quilt that I loaded.....oh....3 days ago. Well, the thread keeps breaking. I tried several adjustments to the needle since I just changed it. I think it's probably not in exactly straight or something. Anyway, I got frustrated so I went off to try some other things to get a break from it for a while.....
cleaned the bathroom
- changed the sheets on the bed
- vacuumed the bedroom and hall
- washed 4 loads of laundry and folded and hung
- made a pound cake which is currently in the oven
- got the makings out for biscotti which is only waiting for the pound cake to come out
Sitting here smelling that pound cake baking. mmmmmm......
Oops! Timer is going off!
Had to go get the pound cake out of the oven. Don't you just want to cut a piece and eat it while it's hot?

It's smelling good in here today!
Made a second batch. It was double chocolate biscotti with chocolate chips and pecans. Tastes pretty good, if I say so myself.
I can feel the pounds coming to find me already......
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