Our Paint Chip Challenge is wrapping up this week at the guild meeting and I'll certainly be glad to have that off my plate. I didn't mind so much participating in it, but I did not really like being in charge of it. People ask you how you want to handle the voting and the hanging and all that. And when you answer them, then they start to tell you how they think you ought to do it. At this point, I just plain don't care. I just want it over with. Have you ever been in that situation?
I hope my friend Sarah has recovered from the ordeal of organizing her quilt stuff. I haven't heard from her yet. I sure hope she's happy with how things turned out. I envy her the great sewing room that she has along with all that great sewing furniture and multiple sewing machines, etc. She has a great setup.
I have another friend (Glen) who got to go on a 4 day retreat. What a joy! I would have loved to have been able to join her, but work keeps getting in the way. Maybe next time.
I am still looking into the retirement stuff. I don't have the answers to all the questions I need to make a decision yet. It's putting a lot of stress on me dealing with it all. And at the same time, it's taken off some of the work stress just knowing that it is possible I could leave it all behind. We'll see......